Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Netiquette and Cyberbullying!

Netiquette is very important to learn.  We all need to take part in using netiquette on the internet.  Netiquette is proper etiquette on the internet.  Many people take advantage of the fact that they aren't being seen when they post on the internet.  Just because you're not saying it aloud does'nt mean its not wrong.  Everyone needs to learn to watch what they post on the internet because once you click send you can never get it back, you can try to edit the post but it can always come back to haunt you.  Another bad thing about the internet is cyberbullying.  Kids take advantage of not being face to face with the person they're bullying on the internet.  They think they can say and do whatever they want and it won't come back to hurt them.  Just because you aren't saying it to they're face doesn't mean it isn't hurting that persons feelings.  We need to work harder to erase cyberbullying from the internet.  Yes it will always be around, but maybe we can do our part to lessen it.